R N S institute of technology

R N S Institute of Technology (RNSIT)

RNS Organization of Innovation, recognizable as RNSIT was laid out in the year 2001. It is the brainchild of Dr. R. N. Shetty, a notable industrialist, and an extraordinary humanitarian. The foundation was laid out with the sole motivation of giving quality training in Designing, Innovation, and The board. Being one of the chief designing universities in the country RNSIT is walking towards putting itself in the worldwide guide by succeeding in scholastics and situations.

Rich green grounds, cutting edge foundation, exceptional labs, many exercises, various new drives, predictable VTU positions, way-breaking situations, social parties, Games, 4000 + understudies, and 300 + personnel – with every one of these RNSIT has become a dream objective for designing hopefuls the nation over.

R N S Institute of Technology Courses:

  • Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
  • Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE)
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIML)
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AIDS)
  • Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)
  • Computer Science & Engineering (Internet of Things)
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Bio-Tech
  • Architecture Engineering
  • Biotechnology Engineering

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